Tube Feeding Formula Banatrol® TF Unflavored Liquid 60 mL Pouch - Medtrition/National Nutrition Mfr# 18801
Banatrol TF solidifies stool without causing constipation
Banatrol TF can be administered when a patient has diarrhea and prophylactically to prevent diarrhea as soon as a patient begins tube feeding
The Banatrol TF formula helps meet 2016 ASPEN critical care guidelines for diarrhea intervention — 10-20 grams of fermentable soluble fiber to be given in divided doses over 24 hours for those who have signs of diarrhea
Banatrol TF is all natural and contains resistant starch to feed the good bacteria in the gut and pectin to help absorb water and improve the stool consistency
Banatrol TF is ENFit® compatible
Use under medical supervision
Product Specification