Eco Vac Vacuum System Cleaner 1 Pint Bottle Case/12, 5836
Vacuum System Cleaner
- Eco Vac 1 Pint Bottle Case of 12
- Continuous cleaning action
- Environmentally safe
- Contains no hazardous materials
- Non-corrosive liquid; safe to handle & store
- Easy to use, measured 1 pint dispenser holds 32 applications
- Non-Toxic, non-pathogenic
- 1/2 gallon dispenser holds 128 applications
- Cleans vacuum systems & eliminates odors associated w/ organic waste
Eco Vac cleans vacuum systems and eliminates odors associated with organic waste by biologically degrading the waste into natural elements. Cleans and deodorizes without foaming or use of harsh chemicals. Eco Vac utilizes safe non-pathogenic, non-opportunistic, Class 1 bacteria.
One half ounce of Eco Vac mixed with one quart of warm water, drawn through the vacuum lines daily in each operatory, establishes a continuous biological action.